Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Horrocks Family

Jhon and Jessica are my family, friends, and neighbors. I was excited when Jessica asked me to take her family pictures! We had a great time. Rielee and Oakliey have their mother's beautiful blue eyes. Jhon and Jessica are so funny. I laughed the whole time! Rielee is such a cheese. Whenever I would say "smile" her little smile would pop up so quickly. I had a fun time!


1 comment:

  1. Tessa! These look so good! I'm sorry about your hand, my mom said she talked to you at a Volleyball game and told me about it. I'm so sorry. Injuries are the worst! You are way talented and if Paul and I need pictures I will keep you in mind. I want to add you to my blog and need your email. My email is if you want to send it there. I miss Vernal... we should try and get all the b-ball girls together and go to Wingers like old times over Christmas. Hope to talk to you soon,

